
Talking About Fuel Delivery Systems

Potential Problems In Older Vehicles

There are some issues that, while not limited to older vehicles, are more likely to be experienced as vehicles stay on the road and out in the elements over a period of several years. Steel rusts, fluids decay, and parts wear out over time. Here are a few possible auto repair issues that you may face with an older vehicle. Rust Never Sleeps Oxidation is the process by which steel rusts and eventually decays. Read More 

Protect Your Truck And Avoid Financial Struggles - Advantages Of Salvage Heavy Duty Truck Parts

Heavy trucks remain an absolutely essential part of the modern economy. If you own or operate a heavy truck, you know that there are countless tasks that wouldn't be able to be completed unless your truck was running at its highest capacity. If your truck is damaged, then it's vital that you examine all of the options for getting it back on the road.  Below, you'll find a guide to some of the advantages of purchasing salvage truck parts when your heavy truck is in need of a repair. Read More 

About Me

Talking About Fuel Delivery Systems

Hey everyone, my name is Crissy Paulo. I am excited to share my knowledge about fuel systems used for automotive applications. I will frequently talk about different ways to deliver the gas to the engine ranging from fuel distributors to direct injection. The carburetor was the first fuel delivery system I learned about, so I will talk about that one often. My site will also talk about common faults in these systems and ways to solve the problems. I hope you will use the information on my site to tackle problems in your fuel system or even perform some upgrades. I encourage you to visit my site often. Thank you.
